Tim Mosher
Lead Pastor
Pastor Tim has been serving at The Gathering since June, 2010. Pastor Tim graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University with a Master of Pastoral Ministry. Tim is also a certified high school math and a football and track coach at Ouachita Christian School. He’s married to our Family Pastor, Angela Mosher. Together they have six children together, from oldest to youngest are, Caleb (married to Lauren), Hannah (married to Justin Washer), MaryHelen, Micah, BrookLynn and Ruthie. Tim has served as Youth Minister, Music Minister, and Senior Pastor both full-time and bi-vocationally.

Angela Mosher
Family Pastor
Pastor Angela has served The Gathering since they moved back to West Monroe in 2010. She believes in a wholistic approach to ministry, and as a result, their entire family has served together since 1992. She has served as Children’s Pastor and Family Pastor, both full-time and bi-vocationally.

Caleb Mosher
Worship Leader
Caleb has been serving as part of the worship team since 2012. Caleb also works as a Project Manager at Triad Builders. Caleb is married to his wife Lauren. They have two children, Juliet and Lincoln. Caleb and Lauren serve together in our worship ministry and strive to make the worship experience a meaningful one centered on Christ.

Youth Leadership Team
Rob and Erin Fox, Nick Kreig, Ben and Lauren Wilhite, and Lauren Mosher
This team of Leaders work together to provide a safe environment for our teens to learn and grow in their walk with Christ. All of our leaders work alongside each other to produce fun and intentional experiences that show the love of Christ to our teens and guide them through their middle and high school years.

Our Elders
Jim York, Peggy Wheelis, Donnie Wallace, Josh Thomas, Dustan Ballance, Bobby Blair and Billy Smith
The elders who are responsible for the health of the church and the direction of the church. While staff and lay leaders plan and implement our activities and ministries, the elders are ultimately responsible for overseeing the church. The most important responsibility of the elders is to pray for the members of our congregation. Our elders strive to live their lives following the example of Christ so that they can be an example to others. They love the Gathering, they pray for the Gathering, and they are responsible for the direction of the Gathering. Some of our elders are administrative elders who meet monthly to pray for the church, discuss the needs of the church, and to discuss how to be good stewards of the resources of the church. Our elders love the Gathering and are committed to helping the Gathering love our community and share the gospel with our community.