Outreach Opportunities
The church exists not only for those inside the church, but also for those outside. Jesus commanded the disciples to “Go make disciples.” The apostle Paul said that the church gathers so that the members can “spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Jesus said, “Let your light shine before people that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Sharing the good news of Jesus and meeting people’s needs go hand in hand. At the Gathering, we call that Outreach. Every Christian is called to live life putting the needs of others before their own. Together, we can accomplish more than we can alone so at the Gathering, we offer many different opportunities to work with others as we reach out to others in the name of Jesus.
Baby Bottles
Green Oaks Ministry
Mission 1:27 Foster Closet
Food Bank
Retail Rescue
Simple Project