The 2 Step

Step 1: Lunch with the Pastor

On the third Sunday of each month, we will host a pastors lunch. This lunch is designed to provide an opportunity to ask questions, get to know leaders, and learn more about The Gathering. 

This is the first step towards becoming a member of The Gathering and finding your purpose in the church.

Step 2: Dinner with Purpose

On the fifth Sunday of each quarter, we will offer Dinner with Purpose. This dinner will provide an opportunity for church members, to become familiar with the different ministries active in our church. It will also allow the opportunity to talk to Ministry leaders and sign up for a team!

We will take a closer look at ever member's personality type and spiritual gift to help them determine which ministry they would enjoy serving in most. 

Sign up to start The 2 Step

We would love to invite you to join us for a lunch with the Pastor to learn more about our church! Sign up here!